"You're pregnant." The two words I have longed to hear for so long. Two words that even now, seem more like a dream than our reality. I'll tell you the full story...
The transfer was so much easier than the egg retrieval, physically that is. We walked in to a sterile office with bright, blinding lights that definitely didn't have the warm feel I was expecting. The embryologist met us at the entrance, talked us through the procedure, and showed us the embryo that they were going to implant. Yes, we only implanted one, and apparently it was a beast of an embryo. They classify them by size and quality, and our was the biggest and best you can get. Check it out...
Beauty, isn't it? I'm not even sure what I'm looking at but let me tell you, seeing this picture in that moment brought me to tears. Definitely not my last cry of the day...we walked in to the exam room where my doctor met us and again talked us through what he was going to do. We were also able to see a video of the fertilization/growing process this little peanut went through. The procedure itself was pain-free, I honestly didn't feel anything.
However, it was so much more emotional than I expected. After it was implanted, they wanted me to lay there for 30 minutes so they left the room. Immediately, Jared and I both broke out in sobs. In that moment, the emotion was so overwhelming. Through the tears, we put on worship music from my phone, Jared read scripture, and we covered the room and my body with prayer. That sterile and cold doctors office turned in to a place of worship for us and it was such a sweet and intimate moment. Here we are after the transfer holding a picture of the implant:
So enter the two week wait (2ww). My doctor prescribed bed rest for three days followed by 'house arrest' for an additional four and then taking it easy the remaining three. I felt so covered by prayer during that time. Honestly, the only emotion that hit me hard was when I thought about the body of Christ and how surrounded I was by encouragement and prayer. My girlfriends came over to lay their hands on me, people brought flowers, meals, and I was constantly sent texts of encouragement and verses to get me through that time.
My prayer going in to that time was that the Lord would give me soft whispers of truth. The one thing I heard from him over and over was, "Kelly, do you love me? If you love me, trust me." The ten days of waiting strengthened my faith in a radical way. I felt a total dependence on him that filled me with a confidence I can't explain. I didn't have any anxiety, fear or doubt but rejoiced and worshiped in the waiting because I knew HE had me. I filled my rest time with a lot of journaling, praying, listening to worship, and down time with the hubby.
Fast forward ten days to the morning of our blood test. We went in at 7am, went out to breakfast after, and got home around 8:30 to get a call from our doctor around 8:45. That in itself was an answer to prayer because Jared had to leave the house at 9:15 and we really wanted to be together when we got the news. My doctor got straight to the point..."Well, you're definitely pregnant."
Once again, Jared and I burst in to tears and embraced, prayed, worshiped and cried some more. What a relief!! Finally, to have a breakthrough! Thank you, Jesus for a "yes!" I get so overwhelmed when I think about what was going on in heaven during those two weeks. Believers begging in Jesus name and interceding on my behalf and to finally get a "yes" even now makes my heart jump with joy! I know the journey isn't over and it's still very early (as I write this, I'm 6 weeks pregnant) but I trust that the Lord will see this through.
We continue to go to my doctor once a week for blood work and ultrasounds-all of my levels look good and my ultrasound shows a clear and healthy sac. We should be able to hear the heartbeat in another week!! Prayers are needed now more than ever as we look ahead to the 12 week mark. We're specifically praying for a shield of protection to surround the fetal sac, that they baby continues growing at a healthy rate, and this week basic facial features are developing so we're praying over the eyes and ears and nose! Thank you, again, for joining us on this journey. More updates next week...
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12