And we have! Our summer has been full of adventures and activities-from best friends' weddings, to our favorite week of the year at FCA camp, celebrating our 5 year anniversary in Cabo, Hall family vacation in Breckenridge, CO, and lots of time at the beach in between! Enjoy...
One of our new favorite restaurants-Flora Farms in Cabo
Road tripping out to CO-we stayed at Zion National Park on the way there, and Grand Canyon National Park on the way home!
McCullough Gulch Trail in Breckenridge-Nala was the best hiking partner!
Last, but certainly not least-we won the Beach Flag Football Championship :)
Along with lots of play time this summer, Jared and I also experienced a joy in waiting. Many people asked me if it was hard to wait, knowing that we have embryos ready to implant and my response was-that it was exactly what the Lord knew I needed. I was able to take a break from controlling and obsessing over every decision I made for my body and how it may or may not have been affecting our chance for a baby. In that break, I was able to find a peace that came from placing my hope not in the future or my own understandings, but in the only place that won't disappoint-in Jesus. He is what my hoping heart searches for and taking these two months to find it and rest in Him has been sweet.
Now don't get me wrong; a break in medications, fertility dieting, monitoring exercise, and everything else did not mean a break from the desire for a baby. It was still at the forefront of my mind and in the depths of my prayers and main the topic of our conversations. I still experienced a deep longing for our child but instead of turning it in to desperation, I held tight to the truth that Jesus has wrapped his powerful arms around me and He will never, ever let me go. Oh the joy that comes from that! We've waited expectantly and we've waited joyfully. Thank you, Jesus!
And as of yesterday, that waiting is over. We are officially on day two of our three week preparation for transfer. Back to medications, back to fertility dieting, acupuncture, and back to hormonal Kelly (pray for Jared!) I will have weekly check ups with my doctor until he determines the exact day for transfer within a week window, around September 4th. We are back on our knees asking the Lord to specifically prepare my uterus to fully receive our baby. We are praying for the health of our embryo that will be transferred, and we are praying for protection over our hearts and our marriage. Thank you for coming on this journey with us, and thank you for your prayers.
"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God... And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:2-5